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ATLAS Biolabs - Bioinformatics


We take care of your projects from requirements analysis to data analysis and reporting, relying both on our expertise in statistics and bioinformatics as well as our extensive experience in software engineering (DIN EN 62304). We handle projects lasting several years in the strictly regulated environment of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as small individual projects.

Expression analyses

We provide statistical analyses of your microarray data (Thermo Fisher Scientitic/Affymetrix or Agilent) including a comprehensive report on the significantly differentially expressed genes. This requires at least two comparison groups and two samples per group. In the course of the analysis, data are normalised and various graphs are generated for quality control (MvA, Volcano, Cluster, PCA graphs). For all transcripts or genes, you will receive tables with log2-ratios, p-values and the signal intensities.

If you wish to do so, you can also analyse Affymetrix data yourself using the Thermo Fisher Scientific/Affymetrix Transcriptome Analysis Console. We would be happy to assist you in this process.

More about expression analyses

NGS data analyses

Our established NGS analysis pipelines for DNA or RNA sequencing (Whole Genome Sequencing, WGS, Whole Exome Sequencing, WES, Transcriptome) offer various different possibilities and can be adapted to your specifications. This allows a high flexibility for meeting your requirements. We also process data from Xenograft material. All phases of the analysis process are subject to strict quality controls. The results are processed and presented in a clear and understandable manner in our web-based customer portal where they are available for download.

More about NGS data analyses

Precision medicine

If you require an analysis of genetic variations, we can provide you with reports tailored to each individual case. These permit correlations between genetic changes and the observed clinical picture to be highlighted - for instance, when investigating hereditary diseases, genetic risk profiles, immune responses or the metabolism of drugs.

More about precision medicine